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Criminal geographical journalNo. 3-4. Vol. 3. [!2.] (December, 2020.)


  • Krasnova Kristina Aleksandrovna :
    Illegal drug market in Russia: recent changes and trends9-17en [277.69 kB - PDF]EPA-04201-00003-0020

    Abstract: An illegal drug traffic continues to expand from year to year due to an increase in demand (the emergence of more and more people with drug addiction) and supply (the emergence of new types of psychoactive substances). The author examines the state of drug crime, trends in the state anti-drug policy and propose a set of measures aimed at countering drug trafficking. The research results provide support for legislative initiatives in this area. The author maps out promising areas for further research.

    Keywords: black market, crime, crime prevention, criminal law, narcotics

  • Dalma Lukács :

    Abstract: During my research I have studied several databases, like ENYÜBS2 or Leonardo, but I have always encountered the same problem, latency. This phenomenon has to be taken into account in research and analysis. With this in mind I started to investigate the theft of cultural properties in Hungary. My goal was to identify domestic "trends" in illicit trafficking from a database created within the Psyche Project. This database is the result of the collaboration between Carabinieri TPC and Interpol, which contains 944 items related to thefts in Hungary. The data showed that thefts occurred mainly along the border both in the north and south, as well in Budapest, furthermore that apartments were the number one target (85%), meanwhile the library and the museum (3-3%) to a lesser extent, they are also "victims" of art theft. The fine arts have the highest number of stolen works (746 cases). Next comes the book, goldware and religious objects. Books, just like religious objects, are easy targets. From libraries, anyone can easily steal books or rip pages such as old maps and drawings. These are usually a few pages of tiny paper booklets containing contemporary clothes, sketches and descriptions. Besides, the amount of archaeological findings from illegal excavations can still not be measure, and thus the extent of latent crime in the area under investigation cannot be estimated.

    Keywords: cultural property, criminal geography, stolen artefacts, Psyche project

  • Zsuzsa Piskóti-Kovács ,
    Milán Kovács :

    Abstract: To evaluate the public safety of a certain spatial area, indicators of criminal situation and the investigation performance indicators are applied, which provide information about the work of the law enforcement authorities. The criminal situation is described by the number of known crimes, number of high-profile crimes, known crimes committed in public space and crime rate per 100 000 residents. However, it leads to several research questions: do the amount of crimes reflect properly the public safety? Does the current crime statistics provide an appropriate basis for the police for decision-making? Do all types of offences have the same effect on society? The Article focuses on a new trend of assessing criminality: it demonstrates the concept of crime harm indexes. In addition, it provides an overview about the existing ones. The Article could be interpreted as the first steps in the creation of Hungarian Crime Harm Index (HU-CHI).

    Keywords: crime harm index, crime statistics, HU-CHI, methodology

  • Suhajda Attila :
    Security matrix in an actual state45-60en [647.74 kB - PDF]EPA-04201-00003-0050

    Abstract: This paper examines the condition of Austria with the application of the method of security matrix. With this method, the writer will make a comparison between the security conditions before the COVID-19 pandemic and the conditions after the pandemic. First, the writer will introduce the method, then in the second part of this paper, the writer will seek responses for the possible problematic impacts the COVID-19 pandemic can have on the Austrian security conditions, relying on open data and information. Moreover, the writer will deal with the question of what kind of impact does the two time period have on the condition of criminal geography.

    Keywords: Austria, security conditions, descriptive matrix, analysis, COVID-19 pandemic, criminal geography

  • Vince Vári :

    Abstract: In my study I intend to present the endeavour to improve efficiency and introduce the current model for its measurement. I attempt to analyse the disadvantageous effect of linking performance measurement to statistics-based efficiency measurement on the organizational culture and work ethic of the police, thus influencing the subjective feeling of safety of the society.

    Keywords: organizational efficiency, police, performance, work culture, organization

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